Page 20 - Cyber Nightmare
P. 20


          Neil was surfing for the latest news on his beloved Boston
          Celtics. Most of it had been good ever since they traded
          and got their new star center Kevin Garnett. This evening,
          it was more of the same. They beat the Bulls for the first
          time in three seasons! He was just about to call Darby   5
          when his cell phone chirped. Darby was faster. He was
          out of breath.
            ‘Hey, man. What’s going on? Did you really say those
            ‘What things?’                                  10
            ‘You don’t know about it? Look at the our blog – yester-
          day evening’s comments.’
            Neil clicked on the school blog and scrolled down the
          list of comments. Suddenly, he saw his name. What he
          read made his heart start pounding.               15

          November 10th, 2008, 06:12 PM
          I’m no gr8 fan of CMS but what I heard today shocked
          even me! I overheard a conversation between two of our
          students, a new guy and a Mr. Neil G. The new guy was   20
          raving about our school, telling NG about all the things he
          likes about it. When he finally finished NG was like whoa

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